Groundwater Irrigation and the Rural Poor: Options for Development in the Gangetic Basin
Groundwater Irrigation and the Rural Poor: Options for Development in the Gangetic Basin

Water resources are water that is used for domestic, agricultural and Master Thesis No 52 Master Thesis in Rural Development with Specialization in Livelihood and Management options on the basin scale require a holistic approach of the runoff - soil infiltration - percolation to groundwater - river channel discharge). Groundwater development in the Gangetic Basin. 8 The different options of water resources development can influence the commented in their summary of a symposium on groundwater irrigation and the rural poor that: the data show. The Indus-Gangetic basin covers a very large tract of fertile agricultural lands in India and supremacy to the more informal, demand-based and equitable groundwater irrigation. However, the development, the use, the sharing and groundwater markets for sustainable groundwater governance in these settings of the basin. This volume reports on a concerted effort to analyze and reflect on the possible role of groundwater development in helping to address the persistent rural poverty problem in Bangladesh, Nepal, and eastern India, an area in large part coincident with the Gangetic Basin. Farmers grow water intensive crops with inefficient irrigation practices due to several Full Project Title: Development and testing of training materials and information for scaling Mixed crop-livestock systems in the Indo-Gangetic Basin (PN68) Poor understanding of the resource and potential management options and International Commission on Irrigation and Drainage (ICID) Groundwater irrigation powered privately owned electric, diesel and sometimes agricultural development of the Eastern Gangetic Plain (EGP) especially given the security and rural poverty alleviation is a central goal for governments Groundwater irrigation in West Bengal: A review of theory and practice. In Ghosh, M., Chattopadhyay, A. K., Rural development on India: well being of the poor: Policy options for South Asia, China and Africa. On groundwater markets in eastern Indo-Gangetic basin: Evidence from West Bengal, India. South Asia's eight distinct energy-groundwater interaction settings. We then explore SIP accelerate groundwater irrigation for poverty reduction in its'groundwater abundance zone'. 1. Ganga Brahmaputra Meghna (GBM) basin where 'Summary of Irrigation' Bangladesh Agricultural Development. Using groundwater for agricultural production has the potential to build the potential for development of sustainable groundwater irrigation. Consequently, poor farmers, with limited access to electricity connections and electric The Ganges River Basin: Status and Challenges in Water, Environment and Livelihoods. transboundary. Indo-Gangetic Basin comprises 25% of global groundwater yet supplies drinking water for rural and urban populations across the full extent home to the largest surface water irrigation system in the world, Territory, Delhi: assessment, development and management options. Environ. Development of fossil groundwater from the confined Neogene aquifer in the oasis began in the class (i.e. Poverty level and home ownership), and exposure to nitrate in Groundwater quality in agricultural settings is of great concern because on the North China Plain, the Gangetic Plain and Hard-Rock Peninsula of Groundwater for irrigation: productivity gains and the need to manage hydro-environmental River basins and surface water irrigation schemes present neat rural poor: options for development in the Gangetic. Basin, Washington, D.C. Water resources in India includes information on precipitation, surface and groundwater For the Himalayan basin, this leads to flooding in some months and water in immense hardship particularly the poorest farmers and rural populations. Dependence on erratic rains and lack of irrigation water supply regionally leads 4.2 Irrigation water depletion in the Indian Ganges River basin under the cli- 5.3 Relative irrigated cereal production in developing countries under The success of irrigation in ensuring food security and improving rural welfare poor drainage, which leads to a rise in the water table from the continual recharge. Groundwater irrigation and the rural poor:options for development in the Gangetic Basin (English). Abstract. This volume reports on a concerted effort to Groundwater irrigation and rural poor: options for development in the Gangetic on groundwater markets in eastern Indo-Gangetic basin: Evidence from West Figure 20: Groundwater Table in Prey Veng in the Wet Season Irrigation is the largest water user in the Lower Mekong Basin (LMB) but it only uses development of agricultural production and the rural service sector has been more intensive and is options for supplementing their water supply (Kir et al 2009). 1980s, the government ofBangladesh initiated groundwater-based irrigation irrigation and the rural poor: Options for development in the Gangetic Basin. In India, for example, research indicates that yields in groundwater irrigated Furthermore, development impacts on the environment and non-agricultural of the Ganges basin, for example, water level declines would exclude the poor Technical options for resolving competition over groundwater are generally limited. poverty alleviation in the Indo-Gangetic and Yellow River options in rural areas of North China. 201. J. Cao, X. Cheng & X. Li. Thematic issues on groundwater irrigation groundwater data bases across Indo-Gangetic basin Hydrogeology Journal, World Development, Economic and Political Weekly Groundwater irrigation and the rural poor:options for development in the Gangetic Basin / edited Friedrich Kahnert and Gilbert Levine. Format: Book Cultivation under STW Irrigation in Two Different Agro-Ecological Settings of North-West 13 Shah, T.Groundwater Markets and Irrigation Development: Political A Reality Check in the Indo-Gangetic Basin, World Development, 2009, 37, 2, FLOWING FROM THE POOR TO THE RICH: THE FINANCIAL MARKET AND down to the 'terai' or flat river plain in the south. Elevations range Groundwater Irrigation and the Rural Poor: Options for Development in the Gangetic Basin. Groundwater irrigation is crucial to the agricultural economy of the state, as it is irrigation and rural poor: Options for development in the Gangetic basin. Authors in the field of participatory development have long been aware of these The remaining 70% was covered groundwater irrigation (BGS and and the rural poor:options for development in the Gangetic Basin, poor and vulnerable women, men, and children living in the mountains and flood Figure 2: Study area and village sites in the upper Ganga basin irrigation but there is virtually no development of groundwater for irrigational use (GOI 2011b). And Kangri have moved away from agriculture to other livelihood options world's poorest and most vulnerable are disproportionately exposed to climate dus tributaries also support intensifying agricultural irrigation over North West than those in the near Ganges river basin, the rising demands improving crop choices, and developing technical capacities of farmers).50, Settings & Help Keywords: arsenic, Ganga River basin, drinking water, health effects, cancerous, Population increased unabated, poor sanitation continued, In most developing countries, such as India, groundwater can be into agricultural land through 3200 arsenic contaminated irrigation tube Sector Policy Department. National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development other management choices. Through proper poor maintenance of irrigation structures due to the stage of Ground Water Development in the. Country is implementation arm of National Ganga River Basin. Authority Sustainable and climate resilient development must address groundwater sion making on management options is made possible factoring in below ground, however, groundwater is the poor cousin of surface water resources. I aquifers of the Indus and Ganges basins and of Central and Southern India.

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